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Breath of the Spirit: Corpus Christi: Saying Amen to the Real Real Presence of Christ

June 7, 2023



The question too often asked by Church leaders is Do you believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist? The more profound question raised by todays reflection is whether we understand the implications of the Divine decision to become incarn

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Breath of the Spirit: One God in Mutuality Relationship and Otherness

May 31, 2023



the Trinity can seem so esoteric and theoretical that one can wonder if it matters at all in our daily lives Todays reflection though attempts to ground that highfalutin theology in our lived experiences It depicts the Trinity not as arcane theologic

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Breath of the Spirit: Pentecost: the Spirit of Unity Through Forgiveness

May 24, 2023



We so often associate the feast of Pentecost with depictions of tongues as of fire resting over Jesus followers Fair enough But when the Church was born in the coming of Gods Spirit it was a moment marked above all by unitya unity todays gospel remi

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Breath of the Spirit: I Am With You

May 17, 2023



Todays reflection s that some of our popular ideasand even the Scriptural accountsof the Ascension are most likely very far from its historical reality But beyond the Scripture writers attempts to use their version of this story to speak to readers

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Breath of the Spirit: The Promise of Buzzing Bees and the Hope That is in You

May 10, 2023



The liturgical calendar foregrounds joy during Easter but that does not mean our griefs and fears disappear This weeks reflection encourages us to consider Gods work in nature and take courage from the emerging patterns of love and new life that we s

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Breath of the Spirit: Jesus as the Way We Walk with Each Other

May 3, 2023



For centuries Biblical scholars have used Jesus statement that no one comes to God except through him as a justification for the exclusion (and often oppression) of those who are not Christians Todays reflection interprets that passage in a more incl

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Lay Votes at Catholic Synod will Help Reshape Decision-Making in the Church Says LGBTQ+ Catholic Group

May 1, 2023


Marianne Duddy-Burke (she/her)

The global Synod is an effort to engage the universal church in addressing what Catholicism looks like as we move into a rapidly changing world said Marie DuddyBurke Executive Director Having lay peoplepeople who represent the vast majority of Catho

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Breath of the Spirit: Healed by Jesus Wounds? The Power of Loving Through Our Suffering

April 26, 2023



How do we acknowledge the redemptive potential of suffering with glorifying it? Todays reflection grapples with this question and invites us not so much to an answer as to a process Perhaps it is not the suffering that is redemptive but rather loving

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Breath of the Spirit: Which Way to My Burning Heart?

April 19, 2023



Todays reflection reminds us that we are all somewhere on the road to Emmaus grieving celebrating realizing retelling We all find ourselves along this archetypal path seeking a unity with and a community of Love Where are we on that journey in this m

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