A Letter to Catholics About the Vaticans Dignitas Infinita (On Human Dignity): We Are With You

April 8, 2024



<p>Dear Catholic friends</p><p>Like you we are saddened and frustrated by the document Dignitas Infinita (On Human Dignity) released by the Vaticans Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on April 8 2024. We find it to be very disappointing and potentially quite harmful to many.</p><p>DignityUSA has disseminated an <strong><a href=https://www.dignityusa.org/news/vatican-document-human-dignity-dehumanizes-gender-diverse-people-condemns-reproductive-options>official response</a> </strong>to this document which you are welcome to read. In addition we wanted to provide some resources for Catholics who are transgender or nonbinary for those who love members of this community and for people who find the Vaticans condemnation of their reproductive choices hurtful. We want you to know that you are not alone! In fact most Catholics who arent bishops stand with you. Still at a time like this it is easy to feel isolated. We hope that these resources to give you information or to take action will help you feel empowered and part of a community.</p><h4>For Transgender Nonbinary and Gender Queer Catholics and Those Who Love Them:</h4><p>Watch<a href=https://youtu.be/IXjhSY6fQL4><strong> Reflecting on Gender Identity: Catholic Theological Perspectives</strong></a> presented by Elizabeth Sweeny Block and Maddie Marlett. This presentation was recorded on March 16 2024 during our recent Virtual Gathering.</p><p>Sign the <a href=https://belovedbygod.faith/><strong>Beloved by God: A Declaration of a Catholic Commitment to Trans-Affirmation</strong></a>. As Catholics we firmly believe our transgender and nonbinary community members are beloved by God. We recognize that these individuals are living into the dream God had for them long before their birth. Show your support for these marginalized individuals now!</p><p>Browse and share our<a href=https://www.dignityusa.org/faqs/gender-theology><strong> FAQ on Gender Theology</strong></a>. This document provides answers to frequently asked questions about gender and Catholicism.</p><p>Learn more about transgender healthcare by reading the <a href=https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc><strong>World Professional Association for Transgender Health's Standards of Care</strong></a> for transgender individuals. The Standards of Care are based on the best available science and expert professional consensus.</p><p>View <strong><a href=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkU8oJR8sIM>a conversation between a Gender Queer Catholic and their mother</a></strong> part of the Queer Catholic faith series.</p><p>Connect with <strong><a href=http://transcatholic.org/>TransCatholic</a></strong> a lay-led group working for inclusion.</p><p>We are also providing a 10% discount on Beloved by God apparel and other apparel in our store that includes the transgender flag colors. Use the code <strong>GODLOVESALL</strong> through April 30 in the <strong><a href=https://www.bonfire.com/store/dignityusa/>DignityUSA store</a></strong>.</p><h4>Support for Conscience-Based Reproductive Choice:</h4><p>Read the DignityUSA <strong><a href=https://www.dignityusa.org/surrogacy>statement in support of ethical surrogacy</a></strong>.</p><p>Read the DignityUSA <strong><a href=https://www.dignityusa.org/news/dignityusas-statement-dobbs-v-jackson-ruling>statement following the US Supreme Courts Dobb Decision</a></strong>.</p><p>Connect with <strong><a href=https://www.catholicsforchoice.org/>Catholics for Choice</a></strong> which defends conscience and lifts up the voices of prochoice Catholics.</p><h4>If You Are Seeking Affirming Inclusive Catholic Community:</h4><p><strong><a href=https://www.dignityusa.org/dignity-communities>Find a DignityUSA Community</a></strong></p><p><strong><a href=https://www.dignityusa.org/online-liturgies>Find an Online Liturgy</a></strong></p><p>If you have additional questions or need additional support please contact us at<strong> <a href=mailto:info@dignityusa.org>info@dignityusa.org</a></strong>. We want to hear from you.</p><p><em>The Board and Staff of DignityUSA</em></p><p></p>