Beatitudes of Dignity

June 27, 2008 by DignityUSA
Blessed are you gay lesbian bisexual transgender straight sister or brotheryou are a unique and glorious reflection of God's astounding creativity and love!
Blessed are you when you dare to bring the truth of who you are into loving relationship with othersyou heal and strengthen the body of Christ!
Blessed are you who challenge stereotypes and caricaturesyou bring light to the world!
Blessed are you who speak out against religious hypocrisyyou help to birth justice and peace!
Blessed are you when you work for full equality and inclusionyou honor the sacredness of all people!
Blessed are you when you create new kinds of families families formed by love rather than by lawyou live the truth that all God's people are one family!
Blessed are you who seek to worship in spirit and in truth whose prayer arises from humble heartsthe Spirit of Holiness will inspire and guide you!
Blessed are you who offer comfort to the dying healing to the sick food to the hungry housing to the homeless presence to the lonely hope to the hopelessyou are the Gospel the Good News our aching world so desperately needs to know!
Blessed are you reviled and persecuted yet persistent in faith hope and love! Rejoice and be proud for in you God's love is revealed!