Dignity / Palm Beach

Meeting Location

MCC of the Palm Beaches

4857 Northlake Blvd.

Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

Additional Info

Welcome LGBTQIA+ Roman Catholic Community!

Dignity/Palm Beach is the local South Florida chapter of Dignity/USA, a national organization serving the LGBTQIA+ Roman Catholic community *. We are a religious and social group hosting a weekly Catholic Mass (see the Events page). Inclusive and accepting, we welcome all from the Roman Catholic LGBTQIA+ community, their families, and their friends. Please join us to worship God in a loving environment.

Gathering Information


Sundays at 5:30pm ET (except during summer)

at MCC of the Palm Beaches

4857 Northlake Blvd.

Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

Our liturgies are online during the summer. Contact us for the Zoom link.

Contact Us