Dignity Houston

Meeting Location
Join the Meetup group to see liturgy times and locations.
Additional Info
DignityHouston welcomes and works for respect and justice for people of all sexual orientations, genders, and gender identities - especially lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons - in the Catholic Church and the world through worship, education, advocacy and support. Those who feel disenfranchised, unwelcomed, or outcast by their faith community are invited to join us on our journey to create a world where no one is outcast, no one is unwelcome, and everyone is invited to sit at our table. That's a lot to take in. Take a moment now to explore what we have to offer.
Gathering Information
Join the Meetup group to see liturgy times and locations.
Contact Us
Please reach out to be added to the mailing list, or to get more information, for this [chapter or group]