Watch our 2022 Catholic Pride Blessing now!

June 7, 2022



<p>During the month of June LGBTQI justice organizations from across the country are coming together to celebrate Pride Month. DignityUSA hosted an online prayer service that kicked off Pride Month on Monday June 6th. During this special event we heard words of affirmation and blessing from LGBTQI activists advocates and allies. True blessings don't come from hierarchies of power; they come from communities of care love and solidarity.</p><p>A special thanks to everyone who was able to attend! It was a real joy to kick off Pride Month with you. If you weren't able to attend you can find the video of the prayer service below.</p><p>Learn more about&nbsp;<a href=>supporting DignityUSA's Catholic LGBTQI justice work</a>. Be sure to follow us on&nbsp;<a href=>Facebook</a>&nbsp;<a href=>Twitter</a> and&nbsp;<a href=>Instagram</a>.</p><p style=text-align: center;><a class=btn btn-primary href=>Watch Now</a></p><p style=text-align: left;></p>