Watch Dignity/Washington Mass on Facebook Live

December 17, 2019



<p>The Dignity/Washington board of directors is excited to announce a new form of outreach and support to LGBTQI/Ally Catholics near and far.&nbsp;Dignity/Washington plans to begin live-streaming their Mass on the second Sunday of each month using Facebook Live. This initiative was born out of feedback at the local and national level. As one of the most robust&nbsp;Dignity&nbsp;chapters Dignity/Washington is excited to offer this gift to individuals unable to attend mass including those without access to a local&nbsp;Dignity&nbsp;chapter welcoming parish or other inclusive Catholic community. We are excited about the potential this live stream has as a resource to those in need of love and worship and to make Dignity more known to LGBTQI Catholics and allies.</p><p>The first live-stream will occur January 12 2020 and continue the second Sunday of each month at 6 p.m. Eastern. Anyone can access the recording on the <a href=>Dignity/Washington Facebook page</a>&nbsp;at 6 pm ET or anytime after.</p>