Statement on the Recent Violence at Club Q

November 21, 2022



<p><strong>November 21 2022.</strong> DignityUSA is deeply saddened and troubled by this weekends attack at Club Q in Colorado Springs that took the lives of five wounded dozens and traumatized countless people. We mourn with the families and friends of all those killed and pray for the full and quick recovery of the injured. We hope to be among those providing space for those shaken by this incident to come together to find healing community.&nbsp;</p><p>This cruel attack on what has been a haven for LGBTQIA+ people for decades is part of a troubling increase in anti-LGBTQIA+ violence. Reported hate crimes have risen by more than 50% in the past two years. We are particularly disturbed by how some leaders and members of our own Catholic church contribute to a climate where LGBTQIA+ people experience dehumanization and marginalization. The Archdiocese of Denvers policy excluding transgender students and talking about LGBTQIA+ people as being disruptive to the churchs mission released just two weeks prior to the Club Q shooting is just one example of ways our community faces exclusion. We call for an immediate end to such decrees which some may see as justification for discrimination and violence.</p><p>DignityUSA strongly insists that all people are beloved by God and deserve to live without threats of violence against who they are. We join all whose grief over the Q Club attack prompts a recommitment to the goal of creating a world where all are respected cherished and safe.</p>