Online Event: Lenten Reflection Series

March 12, 2022



<p style=text-align:left>During Lent join&nbsp;Dignity members from around the country to discuss the upcoming Sunday's Scriptures. The series will begin the week after Ash Wednesday on March 9 and will run each Wednesday through April 13. Attend a single session or participate in the entire series!</p><p style=text-align:left><strong>Registration is for the following dates:</strong>&nbsp;March 9&nbsp;March 16 March 23&nbsp;March 30&nbsp;April 6&nbsp;April 13</p><p style=text-align:left><strong>Details:</strong>&nbsp;All sessions will be held on Zoom and will run from 8PM-9PM ET. A Zoom link will be sent to the email address you used to register for the event. Attendance at all sessions is not required. Please feel free to join us as you are able!</p><p style=text-align:center><a class=btn btn-primary href=>Register Here</a></p>