New Vatican Document Opens Some Sacraments and Roles to Transgender Gay Catholics: LGBTQIA+ Catholic Group Calls this Encouraging

November 9, 2023



<p><strong>November 8 2023.</strong> The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) has declared that some transgender people including those who who have undergone medical gender affirmation can be baptized. In a response to a question submitted by Brazilian Bishop Jose Negri the document signed by Pope Francis and recently appointed DDF head Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez on October 31 2023 describes potential roles for transsexual and gay people in certain Catholic sacraments.</p><p>If the baptism of a transgender person is not likely to cause scandal it can be performed the document states. It goes on to quote Pope Francis statement that not even the doors of the Sacrament should be closed for any reason. The document also says that transgender people can serve as godparents if there is no risk of scandal to the church community. Gay and lesbian Catholics can serve as godparents unless they are known to be in a marital style relationship. Children of same-sex couples can be baptized as long as there is a well-founded hope that he (sic) will be educated in the Catholic religion.</p><p>It is encouraging to see the Vatican making it clear that LGBTQ+ people are not automatically banned from our churchs sacraments said Marianne Duddy-Burke Executive Director of DignityUSA the worlds oldest organization of Catholics working for justice equality and full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the church and society. There have been too many bishops and priests who have made it difficult for members of our community to receive sacraments like baptism and even Communion which are central to our lives as Catholics Duddy-Burke said.</p><p>We remain concerned that our identities continue to be seen as causing scandal in this document and would like to work with church leaders to clarify what that means Duddy-Burke continued. LGBTQIA+ people around the world and certainly in our country are simply exercising our human rights to live in our true identities to marry the people we love and to raise children. The religious teachings that discount those rights are the scandal. They damage and dehumanize LGBTQIA+ people and need to be revoked.</p><p>Duddy-Burke said that many Catholics will welcome this document as a step in a positive direction by church leaders. The reality is that majorities of Catholics already support full inclusion in our church including access to the sacraments for LGBTQIA+ people she said. We continue our work to achieve full equality.</p>