Michigan Dioceses Attempts to Ban LGBTQ+ People from Sacraments Egregious and Cruel According to LGBTQ+ Catholic Organization

December 10, 2021


Maggie Annkel

<p class=x_paragraph><strong>December 9 2021.</strong> &nbsp;A newly revealed document from the Diocese of Marquette Michigan&nbsp;that excludes transgender people and those in same-sex relationships from most of the Catholic&nbsp;Churchs&nbsp;sacraments and&nbsp;prohibits them from serving in many other roles&nbsp;is being seen as&nbsp;going farther than any other dioceses public statements according to&nbsp;DignityUSA. The organization represents the majority of US Catholics who support justice equality&nbsp;and full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in the church and society.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=x_paragraph>&nbsp;</p><p class=x_paragraph>The Marquette&nbsp;dioceses instructions are the most egregious and exclusionary I have ever seen said Marianne Duddy-Burke&nbsp;DignityUSA&nbsp;Executive Director. It is appalling that under the guise of pastoral care this document essentially strips LGBTQ+&nbsp;people from any role in the church other than sinner.&nbsp;</p><p class=x_paragraph>&nbsp;</p><p class=x_paragraph>The document titled An Instruction on Some Aspects of&nbsp;the Pastoral Care of Persons with Same-Sex Attraction and Gender Dysphoria&nbsp;directs pastors to ban anyone undergoing gender affirmation services or in a same-sex relationship from the churchs sacraments including Baptism Communion Confirmation and the Sacrament of the Sick unless they have repented and renounced their treatment or relationship. It also bars these individuals from serving as&nbsp;Baptism&nbsp;or Confirmation sponsors.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=x_paragraph>&nbsp;</p><p class=x_paragraph>This document is&nbsp;trying to&nbsp;use&nbsp;our churchs sacraments to coerce compliance with church teachings&nbsp;that the vast majority of US Catholics do not accept&nbsp;said&nbsp;Duddy-Burke. It cannot prevent people from recognizing that we are transgender or gay. But it is&nbsp;a cruel&nbsp;attempt to prevent LGBTQ+ people&nbsp;from living as we were created&nbsp;becoming our true selves and experiencing the joy and grace of loving relationships.&nbsp;That just wont work. What it will do is shame people potentially into despair and suicide. It will certainly force people out of the church&nbsp;including&nbsp;both LGBTQ+ people and&nbsp;those who support them.&nbsp;</p><p class=x_paragraph>&nbsp;</p><p class=x_paragraph>Duddy-Burke continued Catholics in our country just endured months of concern that our bishops were going to ban politicians who did not follow church teaching in their policy votes from Communion. The&nbsp;bishops&nbsp;backed away from doing that. And now we find out that&nbsp;the&nbsp;Marquette diocese&nbsp;has imposed bans on nearly all the sacraments for gay and transgender people.&nbsp;This action once again makes Catholic bishops look like culture warriors not pastors.&nbsp;</p><p class=x_paragraph><a href=https://www.dignityusa.org/content/our-church-too-stop-michigan-bishop-withholding-sacraments-lgbtq-catholics?fbclid=IwAR3DrAPvJiiXek6HoErIprud7a7fUA6VmoAQ0Wfm4lwIeO5tJYRxrmdhYds><span style=background-color: transparent; font-size: 13.008px;>&nbsp;</span></a></p><p class=x_paragraph>DignityUSA&nbsp;is calling on all Catholics and people of faith to make their objections to this Instruction known and is demanding that the document&nbsp;be rescinded&nbsp;by&nbsp;Bishop&nbsp;Doefler the leader of the Marquette diocese. In the meantime&nbsp;DignityUSA&nbsp;reminds LGBTQ+ Catholics and their families that the&nbsp;overwhelming&nbsp;majority of Catholics disagree with the beliefs and actions outlined in this&nbsp;statement and&nbsp;urges them to take action to support their&nbsp;LGBTQ+ friends and family members.&nbsp;&nbsp;The group has launched a petition to this effect.</p><p class=x_paragraph>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=x_paragraph><i>DignityUSA represents the majority of US Catholics who support justice equality and full inclusion of LGBTQI+ people in the church and society. Founded in 1969 it has worked for sacramental equality for decades.</i></p><p class=x_paragraph><i>&nbsp;</i></p><p class=x_paragraph><strong>Sign our Petition Today</strong></p><p class=x_paragraph><strong><a href=https://www.dignityusa.org/content/our-church-too-stop-michigan-bishop-withholding-sacraments-lgbtq-catholics?fbclid=IwAR3DrAPvJiiXek6HoErIprud7a7fUA6VmoAQ0Wfm4lwIeO5tJYRxrmdhYds>Add your name to our petition to tell Bishop Doerfler to withdraw this harmful and exclusionary policy!</a></strong></p><p class=x_paragraph>&nbsp;</p><p class=x_MsoNormal>&nbsp;</p>