LGBTQIA+ Catholics Mark 12th Anniversary of Francis’ Papacy with Prayers, Hopes for the Church’s Future

March 12, 2025



As we approach the twelfth anniversary of Francis’ election to the Papacy on March 13, 2025 LGBTQIA+ Catholics join the millions of others around the world in expressing relief that the Pope is no longer considered to be in imminent danger of death. We pray for his continued recovery, for him to take the time needed to regain strength, and that he will be able to continue to guide the world’s largest Christian denomination to renewal.

“The combination of Pope Francis’ health crisis, his age, and the approaching anniversary has led many to reflect on what his papacy has meant,” said Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director of DignityUSA, the world’s oldest organization of Catholics working for justice, equality, and full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the church and society. “He has been a truly transformative figure for LGBTQIA+ Catholics. His words, actions, and public meetings with so many LGBTQIA+ people have made it clear that we are members of the Body of Christ, and made LGBTQIA+ issues mainstream in our church.”

Duddy-Burke, who met with Pope Francis in October 2023, said, “This Pope broke many norms in ways that helped LGBTQIA+ people feel more welcome in our church. He used our own language when speaking to or about us, rather than the kinds of clinical, judgmental terms we were used to hearing from church leaders. His call for the decriminalization of being gay or transgender reversed decades of Vatican support for laws that have endangered many. Allowing same-sex couples to be blessed by priests and transgender people to be baptized and serve as godparents reshaped how we experience our church’s pastoral care. His welcome of so many LGBTQIA+ people and movement leaders to the Vatican, and his publicizing meetings with us, sent a message of inclusion that brought joy and pride to people across the world.

“But there continue to be areas where many have expected more of Pope Francis,” said Duddy-Burke. “His equating transgender people living in their true gender with evils like war, poverty and sexual abuse remains very damaging. The fact that dehumanizing language about LGBTQIA+ people is still part of official Catholic teaching endangers many. We are waiting to see how LGBTQIA+ issues are addressed in the final Synod documents, which are expected this summer. The status of LGBTQIA+ people and our families in our church remains complicated.”

Duddy-Burke noted that many are also thinking about the future of Catholic leadership. “I hope it’s a long time away, but there will be a conclave one day and the selection of another Pope,” she said. “It would be wonderful to see Pope Francis’ goals of a more engaged and inclusive church reflected in planning for the next Conclave. During the Synod process, people from all over the globe spoke movingly about their hopes for our church and what we felt needed to change. I hope that the Cardinal Electors will prayerfully consider this input. I believe it reflects the Holy Spirit speaking through the church's people. People will feel heard and respected if the next Pope has the skills and commitment to address these issues. Certainly, we hope for continued progress towards LGBTQIA+ equality in the years ahead.”

Duddy-Burke said, “Pope Francis has spoken and acted as a faithful shepherd to those most impacted by war, poverty, climate change, oppression, violence, and so much more. May we continue to benefit from his wisdom, his courage, and his care.”

Since 1969 DignityUSA has provided affirming pastoral care to LGBTQIA+ Catholics, advocated for equality within the church and society, and helped birth similar groups in over 25 countries. It is a founding member of the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics.