Letter to the Leadership of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in the Wake of the Attack on Club Q

November 22, 2022



<div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong>November 21 2022&nbsp;</strong></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong></strong><strong>United States Conference of Catholic Bishops</strong></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong>Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio President&nbsp;</strong></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong>Archbishop William E. Lori Vice-President&nbsp;</strong></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong>Archbishop Paul S. Coakley Secretary&nbsp;</strong></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong>Archbishop James F. Checchio Treasurer&nbsp;</strong></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong>Rev. Michael J. K. Fuller General Secretary&nbsp;</strong></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0>Dear Members of the Leadership of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0>In light of this weekends attack at Club Q in Colorado Springs Colorado that killed five children of God injured at least eighteen and left countless people across the country traumatized we are calling on you to speak out strongly against this attack to explicitly condemn violence against LGBTQ+ people and to take other steps to help end the horrific violence being inflicted on the LGBTQ+ community and other marginalized communities in our country.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0>According to court filings this particular incident has now been officially characterized as a hate crime. Rhetoric threats and violence against the LGBTQ+ community have increased dramatically in recent years. The shooting at Club Q has reawakened fears experienced by the LGBTQ+ community our family members and friends that followed the Pulse nightclub massacre of 2016 one of the largest mass murders in our nations history. Our community was already feeling besieged by a flurry of incidents including the planned attack on an Idaho Pride event and numerous rallies against Drag Story Hours and other peaceful events. We call on you our bishops to add your voice to those standing against hate and violence.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0>We further ask that USCCB call for an immediate cessation of the promulgation of diocesan policies that discriminate against LGBTQ+ people by excluding us from schools service in liturgical or other roles in our faith communities accessing our churchs sacraments or being accorded the respect of being referred to by the names and pronouns that reflect our identities. These policies are harmful to individuals and are contributing to the climate in which LGBTQ+ people experience dehumanization and marginalization. Support of the USCCB and statewide bishops conferences for legislative and regulatory restrictions on our community especially transgender people must also end. It is blatantly discriminatory and is inconsistent with the beliefs of the majority of US Catholics regardless of party affiliation. Tragically some people believe the policies and political agenda of church officials justify violence against LGBTQ+ people. We strongly urge you to ensure that our church is not part of this growing problem.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0>Finally we ask that you speak out more strongly against the discrimination hate crimes and violence plaguing many communities in our country including People of Color Jewish people immigrants and LGBTQ+ people. A number of Catholic religious communities have already done this. Some of their statements might provide models for the Conference.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0>Divisions and violence based on race religion or identity have deep and tragic consequences for individuals and our social fabric. We believe our church must stand in the forefront of efforts to create a climate where all are respected safe and have their human rights respected. Specific actions like those we have outlined are needed to achieve this goal.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0>We grieve the lives that were taken from their families and friends in this attack and pray for the quick and full recovery of all who are suffering. We ask that their lives and struggles spur USCCB to action that honors their memories and helps to prevent other such violence in the future.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0>Sincerely&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW220923971 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong><em>Meli Barber</em></strong></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><em>President&nbsp;</em></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong><em>Martin Witchger</em></strong></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><em>Vice-President&nbsp;</em></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong><em>Marianne Duddy-Burke&nbsp;</em></strong></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW220923971 BCX0><strong><em></em></strong><em>Executive Director&nbsp;</em></p></div>