Breath of the Spirit: The Easter Transition

April 13, 2022



<p><em>The English prefix trans comes from the Latin where it indicates movement from one place to another as in transfer. The prefix can also indicate movement beyond a particular entity thus is an action is transnational it goes beyond a single nation. In the Scriptures the word transfiguration carries both of those meanings: Jesus moves from one state of being to another and also beyond what he was to a larger reality. The resurrection is a similar moment of transition: Jesus moves from death to life but beyond human life to a glorious resurrected existence. It seems such a natural and beautiful analogy for the movement trans people make when they move into a more authentic gender expression. It is trans in that there is movement but it is also trans because the person has moved beyond what was into someone freer and truer. Todays reflection draws this image out for all of us but not in a way that limits the power of resurrection only to some but rather so that we recognize this miracle of eternal life applies to each of us more deeply than before. In that we all share in trans-ness of resurrection!</em></p><div class=oldwebkit>&nbsp;</div><div class=oldwebkit><p><strong>April 17 2022: Easter Sunday</strong></p><p>Acts 10:34 37-43</p><p>Psalm 118:1-2 16-17 22-23</p><p>Colossians 3:1-4 &nbsp;</p><p>John 20:1-9</p><p><em>**This reflection is not specifically grounded in the readings but more of an exploration of the Resurrection narrative from a trans perspective.</em></p><p></p><h3>The Easter Transition</h3><p><em>A reflection by delfan bautista</em></p><p>Easter Sunday. A day of many questions and confusions within a hope-filled community.&nbsp; We dont know exactly what happened that night and early that morning.&nbsp; We cant begin to imagine the feelings of fear loss grief anger doubt mixed with hope compassion and solidarity experienced by Jesus family friends and followers.&nbsp; Jesus followers did not know what was going to happen next what to do or say next.</p><p>After many doubts they began to celebrate the resurrection not only of the Risen Christ but the resurrection that erupted within them as individuals and as an emerging community that would be known by their witness of love and solidarity willing to disrupt power structures and widen their circle of concern.&nbsp; Though the future was not clear and would never be clear they began to understand the transfiguration of the moment and the calling to live into wholeness adopt and reclaim language and ultimately to embody the resurrection of their own being.</p><p>As a trans and queer person of color as a person of faith and spirit as a person who struggles with the challenges of living in a world enmeshed in and divided by binaries the story of resurrection speaks to me on many different levels.</p><p>The story of resurrection is a story of transition.</p><p>The Resurrection is the beginning of a journey of living into wholeness a journey of affirming who one always was and a journey of discovering and/or rediscovering new aspects of who we area journey that parallels the many ways we transition as trans-identified folks.</p><p>Transition is not just about medical procedures changing ones name adapting the way one dresses or wrestling with the dynamics of what it means to pass or whether one wants even to pass. These are just some of the possible aspects of transition.&nbsp; To transition to embrace affirmation is ultimately about living into you. And that kind of living means different things to different people it is filled with fear and questions determination and doubts hope and wholeness risks and resilience.</p><p>As people wrestling with different understandings and embodiments of gender we stare into the tombs of our pasts we come to recognize that who we were who we were forced to be who the world expected us to be is no longer there and perhaps never was.&nbsp; Who we are was hidden and it took the passion of struggles blood sweat and tears to reveal ourselves to the world. The bandages that covered wounds of societal and even self-inflicted violence are discarded with humble fierceness to reveal us in our fullness in our own dazzling light.</p><p>Resurrection is not about changing who we are. Like transition it is about affirming who we are who we have always been and who we will always be. Just as Jesus revealed (and re-revealed and re-re-revealed) to the emerging Christians we as trans folk genderqueer folk gender creative folk gender non-conforming folk agender folk Two-Spirit folk and the various-expressions-of-gender-diversity folk reveal who we are to our communities families and the worldwe celebrate affirm and reveal our fierceness on our own terms and in our own time.</p><p>The Resurrection did not change Jesus into something new but simply affirmed who he always was. Jesus came out of the closet that was the tomb. We as trans people do the same we affirm who we are sometimes privately sometimes publicly and sometimes both coming out of the tombs of closets binaries and imposed expectations.&nbsp; After our journeys of crucifixion mindful that each journey is different we emerge as whole and resilient selves and souls.</p><p>Much like the apostles who ran into an empty tomb we wrestle with many questions and doubts and disbeliefs that emerge from the body they expected to be there but instead encounter a body that is sacred through its scars a body that is whole despite several attempts by others to break it. But also like the apostles we too have Mary Magdalenes in our lives who advocate for us to share our voices even if they are not being acknowledged or listened to. We have trans accomplices who continue to rant with us as we share who we are both to and with the world in the sacred and sassy mystery of us.</p><p>The Resurrection is a transitiona transition that will never end as living into our being-ness is a never-ending journey of claiming reclaiming and proclaiming our many intersecting selves. One does not complete transition one does not finish resurrectingboth are ongoing adventures of struggle and resilience of ups and downs of tears of pain and tears of celebration.</p><p>The Resurrection that is transition is Biblically sparked and continues to spark the emergence and revealing of imperfectly fierce believers who affirm the good news of who they are in their messy wholeness.&nbsp; Much like the Christian community grappling with the possibilities of the future as trans people of faith and spirit we dont always know what will come next.&nbsp; But we are ready to take on the world with our scars as living badges of honor and resilience.</p><p>Emergence affirmation creation resurrection and transition are journeys of being: our is-ness our I-am-ness not our was-nessjourneys of both/and-ness mixed with either/or-ness and also neither-ness. Who we are not only as trans people but simply and revolutionarily as people is dynamic and messy deconstructive and reconstructive struggle-filled and celebration-ful confusing inspiring and raising up.</p><p>Amen. Resurrection blessings to all.</p><p><em><strong>Questions for reflection:</strong></em></p><ul><li>How can a trans-centered interpretation of the Resurrection narrative spark wholeness in all people (trans and non-trans)?&nbsp;</li><li>How do we ensure that our solidarity with the trans community and other minoritized communities not get stuck on the dynamics of the tomb but live into and live out the hope of Easter morning?</li><li>How is God resurrecting you?&nbsp; How do you rejoice and how are you glad in Gods presence in your life even when it is filled with uncertainty fear and pain?</li></ul></div><div class=oldwebkit>&nbsp;</div><div class=mobile-full><img class=mobile-full src= alt= width=166 vspace=0 hspace=0></div><p><em>mx. delfin w. bautista MSW MDiv. (they/them/elles) is a social worker writer activist theologian and diversity educator. &nbsp; A queer and trans Latinx diva of spirited sacred sass&nbsp;delfin&nbsp;is passionate about intersectional justice and resilience especially around the experiences of queer people of color. delfin&nbsp;currently serves as faculty for Campus Pride's Advisor Academy is on&nbsp;the Vision Council for Call To Action is a member of Soulforce's Board of Directors and is a co-facilitator for Queer Christian Fellowship's community groups.</em></p><p style=text-align: center;><a class=btn btn-primary href=>Subscribe to Breath of the Spirit</a></p>