Breath of the Spirit: The Ascension as Invitation to Compassion

May 8, 2024



<p>It is easy to associate the Ascension with Jesus leaving. But todays reflection reminds us that some absence allows for a deeper connection. In this case we are invited to live Jesuss compassionate presence even more intimately than before as Jesuss Spirit takes hold of our hearts.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>May 12 2024: Feast of the Ascension &nbsp; &nbsp; </strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<br>Acts 1:1-11<br>Psalm 47:2-3 2-9<br>Ephesians 1:17-23<br>Mark 16:15-20</p><div><div class=titan__email-divider data-color=#282968 data-thicknessnum=2 data-dividerstyle=solid data-topnum=12 data-bottomnum=12 data-height=1 data-lineheight=1>&nbsp;</div></div><h1><strong>The Ascension as Invitation to Compassion</strong></h1><p><em>A reflection by Ann Penick<br></em></p><p>The Ascension of Jesus! Surrounded by disciples Jesus is raised up to be with God. In the version of this story from the Acts of the Apostles Jesus final appearance takes place 40 days after he rises from the dead. Jesus brings the disciples to the Mount of Olives to say goodbye: Jesuss mission is accomplished theirs is just beginning! Now the disciples must carry on and bring compassionate presence to the world. Jesuss goodbye does not mean the disciples are left alone because the Spirit will be their constant companion to direct and guide them.</p><p>Before leaving Jesus tells the disciples to remain in Jerusalem for the Spirits arrival. We celebrate this as Pentecost 10 days after the Ascension and 50 days after the Resurrection. With Jesuss Ascension we are called to rejoice both in Jesus victory over sin and death and in the new life that is ours in Christ. There are three basic aspects of this new life: to know that hope to which we are called to understand the inheritance we have received and to grasp the greatness of the Spirits power in us.</p><p>Our hope is in the Risen Christ in whomno matter the situations we facewe are reconciled to God. Our God is with us to strengthen and comfort us. In God we find joy and purpose. No matter how many times we fail Jesus picks us up. Love God with all your heart mind and soul and love yourself; also love others the way God loves you and the way God loves all of usfull as Gods own children. &nbsp;Jesus will be our protector and is always with us.&nbsp;</p><p>Our inheritance is that Jesus opened the door for us for we are sinners who have been forgiven redeemed and called into the family of the Body of Christ. Jesus will not abandon us. We can experience his blessings here and now. Jesus promised his disciples that anyone who believed in him would have the power of the Spirit living inside them.</p><p>This Spirit is in our hearts inviting us to follow Jesus and empowering us to live in the victory of Jesus resurrection. This is the greatness of the Divine in us. Jesus believes we can embrace the Spirit and if we allow it that Spirit transforms us into new people. The Spirit gives us the courage and strength to be an example of compassionate presence in the world.</p><p>Think about a time in your life when you felt as if Jesus abandoned you. Maybe there was a time in your life when you felt you were not good enough or smart enough to follow Jesus. How can Jesuss promise of the Spirit bring you comfort in such a moment? How can you more fully place your hope and confidence in Jesuss faithfulness? Have you experienced the blessings of your eternal inheritance? Ask God for an outpouring of the Spirit in your life so you can discover the power of Loves presence right now in our midst.</p><p>What does it mean to live as Jesus lived? It means to live your life as Love calls you. You do not have to preach it. You do not have to travel to a far distant land. You do not have to do anything extraordinary. Walk the talk: kindness compassion toward others forgiving and understanding there are different ways to love and to pray.</p><p>Ascension means anticipation. Christ spent 40 days preparing the disciples for their faith journey and mission. How will they follow Christ? What are each of their unique gifts that they will share with the world? What are your unique gifts to share with the world? The Spirit will open a whole new world for you because Christ has no hands now on earth but yours.</p><div><div class=titan__email-divider data-color=#282968 data-thicknessnum=2 data-dividerstyle=solid data-topnum=12 data-bottomnum=12 data-height=1 data-lineheight=1>&nbsp;</div><div class=titan__email-divider data-color=#282968 data-thicknessnum=2 data-dividerstyle=solid data-topnum=12 data-bottomnum=12 data-height=1 data-lineheight=1><img src=''></div></div><div class=mobile-full><div class=mobile-full><div class=mobile-full><div class=mobile-full><div class=mobile-full><div class=mobile-full><div class=mobile-full><div class=mobile-full><em><strong>Ann Penick</strong> is originally from the Chicago area. She and her husband Jim live in the Washington DC metropolitan area. Ann was ordained a priest with Roman Catholic Womenpriests in 2011. Ann has been serving the faith communities of Dignity Washington and Northern Virginia Dignity as one of their presiders since 2017. She also serves as one of the board members of DignityUSA. In addition she has been pastoring a faith community of young families in Washington DC since 2013.</em></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>