Breath of the Spirit Reflections: In the Cosmic Battle Advent Offers Hope in Love

November 24, 2021


Maggie Annkel

<div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p><span style=color: #ffffff;><em>-</em></span></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW3067354 BCX0><em>Breath of the Spirit is our electronic spiritual and liturgical resource for our members and potential members. Nothing can replace your chapter or other faith community but we hope you will find further support here for integrating your spirituality with your sexuality and all the strands of your life.&nbsp;</em><em><a href=>Get Breath of the Spirit scripture reflections in your inbox every week</a>.</em></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW3067354 BCX0><span style=color: #ffffff;><em>-</em></span></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW3067354 BCX0><span style=color: #ffffff;><em>-</em></span></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>How do we make sense of&nbsp;all of&nbsp;the chaos or darkness in the world around us? Or if making sense is too much to ask how to we at least live well amid the cacophony? Todays readings acknowledge the tribulations of the world then and now and offer two coping strategies if you will. The first recalls that God has not abandoned us but is very much in our midst. The second stays focused and alert looking for evidence of Love and being distracted neither by the rumblings of discontent nor the comfort of good fortune. Advents hope thus lies in our perception of Loves presence and in an unrelenting commitment to bring that presence more fully into being.&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW157594681 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>- - - - - - - - - <strong>-&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0><strong>November 28 2021: First Sunday in Advent Year C&nbsp;</strong></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>Jeremiah 33:14-16&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>Psalm&nbsp;25:4-5 8-910 14&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>I Thessalonians 3:12-4:2&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>Luke 21:25-28 34-36&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0><strong>In the Cosmic Battle Advent Offers Hope in Love&nbsp;</strong></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>A reflection by Jon Schum&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>With this first Sunday of Advent&nbsp;Cycle&nbsp;C&nbsp;of the three-year&nbsp;Sunday&nbsp;lectionary&nbsp;commences focusing on the Gospel of Luke.&nbsp;&nbsp;Most scholars agree that along with&nbsp;the&nbsp;Acts of the Apostles also composed by Luke the two works are a single literary undertaking:&nbsp;Luke-Acts.&nbsp;&nbsp;In&nbsp;a total of 52 chapters&nbsp;(occupying one-quarter of the New Testament)&nbsp;it is a continuous narrative that begins with the infancy stories&nbsp;of Jesus carries us through&nbsp;Jesus&nbsp;public ministry&nbsp;leading&nbsp;to the apostolic preaching and witness&nbsp;among&nbsp;the early&nbsp;faith communities.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>About 600 years earlier&nbsp;as depicted in todays first reading&nbsp;Jerusalem and its people are on the precipice of total defeat and destruction&nbsp;as the Babylonians prepare to invade.&nbsp; From prison the prophet Jeremiah who had often warned of such&nbsp;perilous times proclaims a promise of divine restoration.&nbsp; The raising up of a just shoot would have stirred the hope of the people in a descendant of David who would see that justice was practiced in the land.&nbsp; Perhaps the peoples renaming of Jerusalem Our God is our Justice reflects&nbsp;a&nbsp;renewed commitment to living in right relationship with God and neighbor. This passage seems to echo the great oracle of the new covenant (Jeremiah&nbsp;31:31-34) the declaration that God will place a new law within the people and write it upon their hearts.&nbsp; In the&nbsp;face&nbsp;of utter collapse and defeat&nbsp;and&nbsp;despite&nbsp;its&nbsp;infidelity God will not abandon the people of the covenant.&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>Todays gospel account&nbsp;of Jesus&nbsp;detailing the end-times&nbsp;is in the context&nbsp;of a rather extended period of&nbsp;teaching&nbsp;in the Temple environs following&nbsp;the&nbsp;entry&nbsp;of Jesus&nbsp;into the Holy City.&nbsp; Jesus describes&nbsp;the turmoil of&nbsp;expansive cosmic&nbsp;rumblings&nbsp;with fearful signs in the skies and the sea.&nbsp; If you&nbsp;read the entire 21st&nbsp;chapter of Luke you&nbsp;will&nbsp;hear predictions about wars and plagues earthquakes and famines persecutions and imprisonment and the great tribulation itself the destruction of Jerusalem.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>As you may know this type of religious expression is called&nbsp;apocalyptic.&nbsp; The entire Book of Revelation for instance is apocalyptic in nature full of mysterious images and symbols which would have been&nbsp;decipherable&nbsp;by faithful believers.&nbsp; It is a kind of underground literature.&nbsp; While many today link the apocalyptic to&nbsp;catastrophic&nbsp;literally&nbsp;it&nbsp;means&nbsp;lifting the veil or&nbsp;to uncover.&nbsp;Apocalyptic writings were&nbsp;not primarily&nbsp;intended to instill terror but to provide&nbsp;reassurance&nbsp;to religious communities under duress assuring them of a share in the final victory won by Christ.&nbsp; Such cosmic energies and signs far beyond human control were convincing assurances of&nbsp;divine&nbsp;intervention in the world.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>It was a belief of the first generation of Christians that Jesus would return in glory during their own lifetimes and the world as it was known would come to an end.&nbsp; There was intense excitement and expectation in Jesus day that God was about to act definitively in history. Yet every&nbsp;generation&nbsp;reads&nbsp;these gospel passages about the end of time and wonders if&nbsp;it&nbsp;is to be the last.&nbsp; I&nbsp;grew up under the&nbsp;terrifying possibility of nuclear annihilation.&nbsp;We had air raid drills in school where we would&nbsp;crouch down on all fours&nbsp;and&nbsp;hold our hands behind our heads.&nbsp;&nbsp;Today school kids have active shooter drills.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>As&nbsp;we look at the geopolitics of our&nbsp;world&nbsp;we cannot help but be&nbsp;anxious.&nbsp;&nbsp;We know the litany of&nbsp;suffering and&nbsp;oppression.&nbsp;&nbsp;Dark&nbsp;powers and forces&nbsp;are on the rise both globally and domestically.&nbsp;&nbsp;Our mother&nbsp;the&nbsp;earth&nbsp;teeters&nbsp;under overuse and misuse.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;War violence and&nbsp;exploitation&nbsp;have resulted in&nbsp;environmental devastation&nbsp;displacement&nbsp;homelessness&nbsp;and&nbsp;hunger.&nbsp; But it&nbsp;is&nbsp;unbridled&nbsp;human&nbsp;greed and&nbsp;recklessness not cosmic powers that have brought us to this point.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>Jesus&nbsp;does not counsel us to be idle or to throw up our hands in bewilderment or resignation.&nbsp; Be on guard Jesus&nbsp;advises.&nbsp; Stay alert at all times.&nbsp; Do not succumb to your worries and do not be distracted by lifes excesses or as he bluntly puts it be on guard lest your spirits become bloated with indulgence.&nbsp; For Jeremiah the divine promise did not arrive as&nbsp;a neatly packaged&nbsp;discourse but as a&nbsp;perception a watchfulness as a fire burning in my heart imprisoned in my bones (20:9).&nbsp;&nbsp;Jeremiah struggled with&nbsp;God and with his calling agonized over the fate of Jerusalem and lamented the indifference of the people and its leaders. Yet he&nbsp;was a messenger of hope and consolation.&nbsp;&nbsp;Prophetic witness&nbsp;calls us to&nbsp;confront&nbsp;directly&nbsp;the&nbsp;struggles&nbsp;and&nbsp;injustices&nbsp;along the way&nbsp;as well as to imagine what can be.&nbsp;Jesus embodies a new creation faithful to the old creation but transformative of it as well.&nbsp; Ultimately God is engaged in our history as the inspired advent stories of Luke stories which startle us with hope and possibility will remind us.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW157594681><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>The author of First Thessalonians&nbsp;(among the earliest of New Testament writings) speaks to a community restless for Christs return and&nbsp;prays&nbsp;that the Savior may make you increase and abound in love of one another and for all&nbsp;&nbsp;A&nbsp;life deeply transformed by and through love bears witness to the Christ among us.&nbsp;&nbsp;Love is the most universal the most tremendous and the most mystical of cosmic forces suggests&nbsp;Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.&nbsp; The second coming is already afoot.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0><img src=''></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0><strong>Jon Schum</strong>&nbsp;and his husband Ron Lacro are longtime Dignity Boston members. Jon has served on its board and liturgy committee and is one of the chapter's ordained presiders. For many years he supervised and provided arts-based therapeutic programming for an elder services agency in Boston. He is currently a co-facilitator of the Aging with Dignity caucus.<span style=background-color: transparent; font-size: 13.008px;>&nbsp;</span></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW157594681 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW157594681 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div>