Breath of the Spirit Reflection: Finding Good News in our Need for Repentance

October 12, 2021


Maggie Annkel

<div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW3067354 BCX0><em>Breath of the Spirit is our electronic spiritual and liturgical resource for our members and potential members. Nothing can replace your chapter or other faith community but we hope you will find further support here for integrating your spirituality with your sexuality and all the strands of your life.&nbsp;</em><em><a href=>Get Breath of the Spirit scripture reflections in your inbox every week</a>.</em></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW3067354 BCX0><span style=color: #ffffff;><em style=background-color: transparent; font-size: 13.008px;>-</em></span></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>Did you ever notice how often Jesus disciples get it wrong in the gospels? This is nowhere more true than for Mark. As we notice in todays gospel&nbsp;James&nbsp;and John but really all of Jesus close followers seem to be missing the whole point of Jesus ministry. Jesus connects greatness with self-giving service but they (and we) can be so quick to revert to seeking power and acclaim. At times one wonders why Jesus picks such apparent dullards. Hopefully though we soon recognize ourselves in Jesus closest followers then with a small chuckle at our own expense hope blossoms&nbsp;anew&nbsp;within us.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0>-</div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0><strong>October 17 2021: the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B&nbsp;</strong></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW95450341><p class=Paragraph SCXW95450341 BCX0>Isaiah 53.10-11&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW95450341><p class=Paragraph SCXW95450341 BCX0>Psalm&nbsp;33:4-5 18-19 20 22&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW95450341><p class=Paragraph SCXW95450341 BCX0>Hebrews 4.14-16&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr BCX0 SCXW95450341><p class=Paragraph SCXW95450341 BCX0>Mark 10.35-45&nbsp;</p></div><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0><span style=color: #ffffff;>-&nbsp; &nbsp;</span>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style=color: #ffffff;><br></span></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>A reflection by Jon Schum&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>Todays gospel passage includes the third of three predictions of the passion and death of Jesus.&nbsp;&nbsp;Along with the disciples Jesus&nbsp;is&nbsp;approaching Jerusalem&nbsp;and&nbsp;predicts what will happen there:&nbsp;&nbsp;Jesus&nbsp;will be handed over to the religious authorities condemned to death suffer greatly and be put to death.&nbsp; Jesus adds that after three days he shall rise.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>Preceding this prediction is the request of James and John to occupy the highest positions of authority as they expect Jesus is about to liberate Jerusalem and restore the kingdom of David.&nbsp; Their request is brash and ill-conceived.&nbsp; The other ten are indignant at them&nbsp;and likely&nbsp;feel outflanked by James and John.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>In the Gospel of Mark the disciples are not always portrayed in the best light.&nbsp; They miss the point cant see beyond the moment dont listen very well fall asleep in the garden and ultimately run away&nbsp;when it matters most.&nbsp; Their insular and shortsighted tendencies are on display in todays gospel episode.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>Jesus is clear: this is not&nbsp;the reign of Jesus;&nbsp;it is the reign of God.&nbsp;&nbsp;You must drink of the cup I drink&nbsp;of;&nbsp;you must be immersed in the baptism as I am.&nbsp; Taking Jesus very concretely the two reply we can do that to which Jesus responds: You will indeed do so but not on your terms.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you wish to be great you must serve the rest.&nbsp; Whoever wants to be first must serve the needs of all.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>There seems to be a&nbsp;larger context for this passage.&nbsp; The first prediction of Jesus passion and death (Mark 8.31-33) follows Peters declaration of faith.&nbsp; At that point Peter immediately&nbsp;<em>rebukes</em>&nbsp;Jesus implying harsh criticism and disapproval.&nbsp; Jesus in turn&nbsp;rebukes&nbsp;Peter: you are not thinking as God does but as human beings do.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>The first and third predictions of the passion are bookended by miracle stories involving blind persons.&nbsp; The first (Mark 8.22-26) is the healing of the blind man of Bethsaida.&nbsp; The second miracle story immediately following todays gospel passage is the healing of the blind Bartimaeus.&nbsp;&nbsp;Physical blindness&nbsp;was&nbsp;construed&nbsp;as divine punishment&nbsp;the result of sin.&nbsp;&nbsp;Reaching out with&nbsp;compassion Jesus heals both&nbsp;blind persons&nbsp;who display&nbsp;a deeper&nbsp;<em>inner sight</em>&nbsp;that the evangelist recognizes as faith.&nbsp; Lack of faith to Jesus is a worse kind of blindness the kind of blindness&nbsp;exhibited in&nbsp;Peters dismissal of&nbsp;Jesuss predictions&nbsp;and James and&nbsp;Johns jockeying for&nbsp;privilege and power.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>Todays gospel passage is Jesus call to servant discipleship.&nbsp; This servanthood is a sacrificial love and the pouring&nbsp;out of the self in generous self-giving.&nbsp;&nbsp;Greatness in the Reign of God is not commensurate with authority power and importance.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>Early Christian believers&nbsp;saw&nbsp;the suffering and&nbsp;selfless sacrifice&nbsp;of Jesus prefigured in the mysterious figure of the suffering servant&nbsp;in&nbsp;the&nbsp;oracles&nbsp;of the prophet Isaiah.&nbsp;The first reading today comes from the end of the fourth of these songs which is also the first reading for the liturgy of Good Friday.&nbsp; This&nbsp;long-suffering&nbsp;and faithful servant of God is the innocent victim whose voluntary suffering atones for the sins of many.&nbsp; God acknowledges the greatness of the suffering servant who shall see light in the fulness of days.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>In todays second reading the Letter to the Hebrews&nbsp;positions Jesus on a journey&nbsp;of another kind.&nbsp; Like the high priests of old who passed through different spaces in the Temple&nbsp;and into the Holy of Holies&nbsp;(where it was believed heaven encountered earth) so Jesus&nbsp;as the Firstborn of God&nbsp;journeys through the heavenly realm&nbsp;and into the living presence of God.&nbsp; Yet&nbsp;fully human&nbsp;Jesus&nbsp;understands our&nbsp;struggles.&nbsp;&nbsp;Jesus journeys with us and invites us too to&nbsp;the throne of grace at&nbsp;our&nbsp;every moment of need.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>The&nbsp;point which Jesus makes is this:&nbsp;life is&nbsp;the&nbsp;cup from which we drink.&nbsp;&nbsp;While at times it overflows with goodness (Psalm 23:5) it is also the cup of&nbsp;pain and heartache&nbsp;failure&nbsp;and disenchantment of loneliness and isolation.&nbsp; The cup is sometimes the cup of deep grief&nbsp;of disappointment or even of&nbsp;despair.&nbsp;&nbsp;It was the cup that even Jesus&nbsp;prayed&nbsp;would&nbsp;pass.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>We&nbsp;take up&nbsp;the cup and&nbsp;navigate these passages&nbsp;in life&nbsp;because we are in a profound and often unrealized way in the company of Jesus.&nbsp; In the letter to the Hebrews Jesus is THE great high priest who enters&nbsp;fully&nbsp;into the holy sanctuary of the human condition and is well acquainted with&nbsp;our&nbsp;struggles.&nbsp; In Christ we are offered mercy and favor and help: timely help&nbsp;grace.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>So&nbsp;there are those times when&nbsp;we&nbsp;are not in charge or in control when we are not winning not number one not the best &nbsp;when&nbsp;we&nbsp;feel&nbsp;vulnerable&nbsp;broken&nbsp;inadequate or unworthy.&nbsp;&nbsp;When&nbsp;you can come through to the other side still hopeful trustful and loving and&nbsp;content you&nbsp;have learned something&nbsp;about the gospel&nbsp;about what Jesus is saying here&nbsp;and you have something&nbsp;extraordinary to&nbsp;give to&nbsp;the neighbor and the world.&nbsp; In finding ourselves last we&nbsp;may&nbsp;notice the neighbor who is first.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>In her book&nbsp;<em>Sacred Thresholds</em> Paula DArcy tells a story about providing an evening program for women&nbsp;prison&nbsp;inmates.&nbsp; Before she left home Paula received specific instructions about what to do before going through the prisons security system.&nbsp; Consequently when she arrived&nbsp;at the prisons parking lot she complied with the instructions in this way:&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0><em>I popped the trunk of my car and removed every piece of jewelry including my watch.&nbsp; I threw in my pocketbook; I removed my car key from a key ring bursting with keys each one representing entry into the busyness of my life.&nbsp; From my wallet I retrieved my license.&nbsp; It was a strange exercise with a great deal of power.Your education and degrees no longer serve you.&nbsp; No one cares.&nbsp; Your level of income is irrelevant.&nbsp; Your pretenses are dangerous.&nbsp; Nothing will get through the metal detectors but who you really are.&nbsp;</em></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>The most&nbsp;valuable&nbsp;asset&nbsp;we bring to our labors is our self.&nbsp; The more we open the door to our depths and learn from what we find there the richer the gift the&nbsp;greater the&nbsp;service&nbsp;we bring&nbsp;to others.&nbsp; And humbly we may be amazed to find there is as much to receive as there is to give.&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>There are several interpretations as to why the disciples are portrayed so negatively in this gospel.&nbsp; One view is that the Gospel of Mark was written with vivid memories of persecution possibly the one under Nero following the great fire in Rome.&nbsp; Some Christians wavered from&nbsp;the&nbsp;faith to escape martyrdom often betraying even loved ones.&nbsp; The figure of the failing disciples would be a powerful sign of hope.&nbsp; These failures ultimately were transformed into good news for a repentant community struggling with its past.&nbsp; So&nbsp;the evangelist&nbsp;holds&nbsp;a giant mirror before us and&nbsp;declares Look if there is hope for the disciples there is hope for you.&nbsp; And&nbsp;this&nbsp;<em>is</em>&nbsp;good news.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0><span style=color: #ffffff;>-</span></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;<img src=''></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0></p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p><em><strong>Jon Schum</strong>&nbsp;and his husband Ron Lacro are longtime Dignity Boston members. Jon has served on its board and liturgy committee and is one of the chapter's ordained presiders. For many years he supervised and provided arts-based therapeutic programming for an elder services agency in Boston. He is currently a co-facilitator of the Aging with Dignity caucus.</em></p><p><em><strong><a href=>Get Breath of the Spirit scripture reflections in your inbox every</a></strong></em></p><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div><div class=OutlineElement Ltr SCXW193212620 BCX0><p class=Paragraph SCXW193212620 BCX0>&nbsp;</p></div>