Breath of the Spirit: John in Prison: Trusting Gods Message When We Struggle to Hear Gods Voice

December 7, 2022



<div class=oldwebkit><p><em>Gaudete Sunday implores us to rejoice! But what if you are in a place where rejoicing is impossible? How do we trust Gods message when we cant hear Gods voice? This weeks reflection examines the story of John the Baptist in prison to draw forth a possible answer to these questions. It encourages us to feel however we need during this holiday season because Love is with us wherever we are and however we feel.</em></p></div><div class=oldwebkit>&nbsp;</div><div class=oldwebkit><p><strong>Third Sunday of Advent Year A</strong></p><p>1st Reading Isaiah 35:1-6A 10</p><p>Psalm Psalms 146:6-7 8-9 9-10</p><p>2nd Reading James 5:7-10</p><p>Gospel Matthew 11:2-11</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h3>John in Prison: Trusting Gods Message When We Struggle to Hear Gods Voice</h3><p><em>&nbsp;A reflection by Darby DeJarnette</em></p><p>This Sundays gospel tells the story of John the Baptist in prison and of his disbelief that the very Messiah whose appearance he had predicted was among his followers and disciples. I wonder what it must have felt like to be John when he received Jesus reply? Tell John about the miracles youve seen (Mt 11:4). Jesus praises John as the greatest among humans yet John due to his imprisonment did not hear these words from the mouth of the Messiah.</p><p>We spend so much time in prisons of our own. Whether chosen or unchosen the map of suffering that leads us down the roads of our lives can blind us to how God feels about us. All we can see is our own confinement our own lostness. Jesus is speaking to his followers when he says there has been none greater than John the Baptist (Mt 11:11). He proclaimed Johns holiness at a time when John couldnt hear those words in person. We often cant hear Gods voice when were struggling. We can only hear our own negativity or the voices of those around us who have caused us harm. Its hard to believe that God loves us when we are hurting here and now. The holidays especially can be a bittersweet time for LGBTQIA+ people. There can be painful reminders of the things weve lost or of the negative experiences weve had.</p><p>One thing that sticks out about Jesus report back to John is the emphasis on healing. Physical healing can be deeply profound and necessary especially for those who have chronic illnesses or disabilities which impact their day-to-day life. Thats not all there is to it though. Jesus follows his statement about John with another: the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he (Mt 11:11). Jesus speaks this to us and about us. Like John we cannot always hear it for ourselves. Like John we are a part of the kindom of Gods Love whether we can believe it or not. Nothingnot depression or abuse or trauma or lonelinesswill change that fact.</p><p>I think this is what Jesus was saying when he spoke about John and the stature of the least of these. The physical realm is important because it points us towards God. John the Baptist was an important signpost in this physical realm. We are important signposts pointing others toward the Reign of God. It doesnt matter if in this life we are a reed swayed by the wind or someone dressed in fine clothing or even a prophet. Our true glory and our true healing are grounded in the Love that God has for us no matter how the world sees us or how we see ourselves.</p><p>This Sunday is known as Gaudete Sunday because our entrance antiphon tells us to rejoice in the Lord always. Isnt it nice that we are absolved of having to have certainty about our worth? While we are encouraged to rejoice we are freed from the prison of having to feel any certain way about ourselves or about God. This Advent let yourself feel whatever you need to feel! We may not always believe in or hear about our own holiness but Jesus will always proclaim it to us and for all the world to hear!</p></div><div class=oldwebkit>&nbsp;</div><div class=oldwebkit><div class=mobile-full><img class=mobile-full src= alt= width=166 hspace=0 vspace=0></div><div class=mobile-full><p><em><strong>Darby DeJarnette</strong>&nbsp;is the Manager of Operations and Missions Services at DignityUSA. She has been involved in marketing and public relations writing for most of her professional career and has had several poems published in small press anthologies. Darby is also a staff writer at a local D.C. performing arts publication. She has&nbsp;had over one hundred articles published under her byline to date and hopes to continue to add to that number.&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p><p><em></em></p></div></div><p></p></div></div><p style=text-align: center;><a class=btn btn-primary href=>Subscribe to Breath of the Spirit</a></p><p></p>