Breath of the Spirit: Am I Jesus Adjacent?

July 20, 2022



<p><em>The story of Sodom and Gomorrah which is introduced in todays first reading has been used for decades to make marginalize those in the LGBTQ+ community as if our sexuality was dirty or damaged. Todays reflection though encourages us to understand this narrative as concerning not who one loves but how and why. Far from shaming our love the Sodom and Gomorrah story arc reminds us that safety and joy come for all of us only when we keep Love close.</em></p><div class=oldwebkit>&nbsp;</div><div class=oldwebkit><p><strong>July 24 2022: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time</strong></p><p>Genesis 18:20-32</p><p>Psalm 138:1-2 2-3 6-7 7-8</p><p>Colossians 2:12-14</p><p>Luke 11:1-13</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h3>Am I Jesus Adjacent?</h3><p><em>A reflection by Thomas DeVoyd</em></p><p>To me the first reading is one of the most misinterpreted passages in the Bible. It speaks of Sodom and Gomorrah. Many have said that this story arc specifically speaks to (or against) the LGBTQ+ community as there are references to sexual relationships between men (cf. Gen 19:1-5). In todays passage God wants to destroy these cities because the outcry against [them] is so great. It seems to mirror what is happening today. There are people whose outcry is great to destroy people whose behavior or beliefs are not in line with their own. We have seen this on both sides of the abortion rights debate. I think we all have the right to free speech but free speech does not extend to vandalism or violence. It gives me pause to think how different we are. In this passage Abraham is trying to save Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham speaks courageously to defend others. He challenges/negotiates with God to spare those who live differently than he does. On the contrary these days it seems what passes as courageous speech often involves condemning those who are different than us.</p><p>What I say next might not be how everyone understands the Sodom and Gomorrah narrative but here goes. I do not think this story is about non-heterosexual sex or the LGBTQ+ community or anyone else who is following their own path. I think this story is about lust and that lust is about selfishness only pleasuring oneself. Romantic love is about two people pleasuring and caring for each other. This is the heart of loving God and following the Divine teachings. This mutuality occurs within a relationship: however it is formed and whoever is in it. This is how I understand sexual orientation and Gods plan. If it was not Gods intention then there would be no LGBTQ+ community. But there is. And God calls us to love one another just like everyone else. Now I will come down off my soapbox.</p><p>The second reading is from Colossians. This focuses on Jesus being the one who can help us become who God wants us to be. We were raised from the dead by our trusting in Gods love. In this same way Jesus gave his life for all to be saved from sin. Jesus accomplished this by dying on the cross. The last line that talks about how our sin was cancelled by being nailed to the cross. That gives me such a vision of what we received through Jesus crucifixion. It stays with me when I think that I can never live up to what God wants of me. Perhaps many of us go through that. With all the hatred we face in the world it is not always easy to love or forgive.</p><p>In todays gospel passage the disciples ask Jesus how to pray. They wanted to pray like John taught his disciples. Jesus started with the prayer Our Heavenly Parent. This is one I remember from childhood. It asks for our sins to be forgiven to the extent we forgive others. The passage goes on to say that we will be given what we ask for; we will find what we seek; the door will open when we knock.</p><p>Because God is a loving parent we are assured that we will get what we seek. Many may be tempted to put this to the test and ask to win the lottery or for a bigger house a better job or a million other things. I am asking to be Jesus adjacent that is to be close to Jesus in everything I do. I feel the Spirit letting me know that this is a very good goal. Some of you may think this is sacrilege but I assure you it is not. The way I mean it is that Jesus was perfect in this life. I have never been perfect and so I am never sure I am doing enough. I am trying to remedy that (both by doing more and by knowing that I am already enough for God). I am in a loving committed relationship and I know that this is what God wants for me. I am not judged by who I am in a relationship with but by what that relationship is based on. Does my current life reveal the lust of Sodom and Gomorrah? No but that is because I have changed. Have I always felt that God could help me become who I should be? Again no but that has also changed. And did I always pray? Mostly when I was in a horrible jam (and there were many). Now I pray a lot more. I say the rosary try to watch or go to mass daily. These are all practices that help me be Jesus adjacent. They help me keep Love close. I know the way I am Catholic may not be the way everyone is but I think we have to figure what is best for us. Then we must trust God to show us how to get there. I figure I cant get too far off the path if I am adjacent to the One who leads the way.</p></div><div class=oldwebkit>&nbsp;</div><div class=mobile-full><img class=mobile-full src= alt= width=166 vspace=0 hspace=0></div><p><em><strong>Tom DeVoyd</strong> is a nurse in long term care and works with resident with Dementia. He is an advocate for his residents and has a Masters Degree in Nursing in Adult Psych/ Mental Health. He is also an advocate for the LGBTQI+ community. Tom currently lives in a small town in NH with his partner of years Phil. He enjoys reflecting on the scriptures and focusing on the world of when the scriptures were written.</em></p><p style=text-align:center><a class=btn btn-primary href=>Subscribe to Breath of the Spirit</a></p>