Bread Not Stones Witness Live Stream

November 15, 2021


Maggie Annkel

<p class=x_oldwebkit><span style=color: #ffffff;>-</span></p><p class=x_oldwebkit>On Monday November 15 DignityUSA and our colleagues in Catholic Organizations for Renewal are cosponsoring a peaceful prayerful witness at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' meeting. The&nbsp;<a href=;qid=2204862 target=_blank data-auth=NotApplicable data-linkindex=1>Bread not Stones witness</a>&nbsp;will be live-streamed beginning around 1:00 PM ET. Please join us to urge our bishops to refrain from issuing a document that could ban some Catholic public servants from Communion because of how they in good conscience do their jobs.</p><p class=x_oldwebkit></p><p class=x_oldwebkit><span style=color: #ffffff;>-</span></p><p class=x_oldwebkit>Dignity members from Baltimore Boston Northern Virginia Philadelphia and Washington DC have signed up to be part of the witness.&nbsp;Please stand with us and join us in prayer.</p><h3 class=x_oldwebkit>&nbsp;<a href=;qid=2204862 target=_blank data-auth=NotApplicable data-linkindex=2>Click here to&nbsp;join the livestream Monday 1 PM ET</a></h3><p>You can also add your name to our petition calling on our bishops to stop acting like culture warriors and political operatives and to behave like shepherds and healers.&nbsp;</p><h3 class=x_mobile-full><a href=>Add your name to our petition</a></h3><p></p><p></p>