Book Review: My Life as a Boy Priest Gay Man and Artist by Jan Haen

March 1, 2024



<p><em><strong>by David Friscic</strong></em></p><p>Father Jan Haen has come full circle. After two previous rewarding and interesting books <i>Heavenly Homos Etc. </i>and <i>Heavenly LGBTQ+ </i>(in comic book visual style) on LQBTQIA themes Father Haen has now written a visual autobiography (published by the Apocryphile Press) that truly portrays him as a Man for all Seasons. Father Haen has explored the byways and spiritual highways of lifes journey with vigor and spiritual and intellectual enthusiasm. Entitled <i>My Life as a Boy Priest Gay Man and Artist</i> this beautifully rendered eighty-seven-page book shows Father Haens sublime understanding of lifes interconnections.</p><p>As Father Haen unfolds his story the richness of his life is conveyed with a very natural frank and disarming writing style. The sheer verisimilitude of Father Haens life is shown as he is (or was) an illustrator writer naval chaplain chaplain for patients in a military hospital acting secretary general of the executive committee of the World Federation of Catholic Youth social justice activist muralist educator and priest.</p><p>Difficult complexities in Father Haens life journey are confronted and explored in social injustices such as homophobia as well as in the tragedies of censorship violence and hatred. Father Haen confronts these situations by working as an activist for change both literally and on a deep spiritual level. Father Haens anti-apartheid stance in South Africa and his work from the offices of the Rhodesia/Zimbabwe Bishops Conference offices in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe at the time of a hellish guerilla war must be commended as stances of great moral courage and integrity.</p><p>Father Haens struggles with celibacy and a resultant nervous breakdown are honestly discussed and should prove to help those struggling with similar emotionally draining scenarios.</p><p>Father Haens artworks are justly very celebrated. His talent for artistic endeavors is felt as a current that pulses throughout the book ---as an illustrator a muralist and as a graphic artist Father Haen explores several artistic media. In the section of the book entitled Other mural painting projects and art works Father Haen shows great innovative spirit insight and artistic foresight in working on murals a large triptych large paintings and designing stained-glass windows.</p><p>Father Haens writing style is very frank and honest. Father Haen says memories are subjective but at times affected by the objectivity of the times and circumstances of the period. Indeed this is a very fluid and unique autobiographical textual and visual work full of quirky compassionate and dryly amusing observations about his own life and his work ---with a spiritual but sometimes dryly ironical tone towards the larger world around him whether it be discriminatory regimes the racially insensitive or authoritarian microcosms.</p><p>The chronology of responsibilities artistic pursuits social activism and events that unfold in this visual autobiography are so packed and chockful of detailed information that it would be a shame to give every detail away. The comic book visual style of Father Haens work is well-suited to the energetic and spontaneous tone of the deft writing.</p><p>Father Haens life was also challenged with two accidents one in childhood and one that occurred while learning to drive a car; Father Haens reaction to these events shows a high degree of physical courage. The book triumphs as a study of positive mental attitude helping one to forge ahead amidst all obstacles.</p><p style=text-align: left;>This illuminating book describes Father Haens childhood his decision to enter the Redemptorist Monastery near Cape Town and begin the novitiate his work and life in the Netherlands his life and work in South Africa in war-torn areas such as Rhodesia -Zimbabwe his chaplaincy work his travels with his partner and his continual exemplary and still ongoing artwork pursuits ---amidst many other topics too numerous to cite. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>One of the most affecting components of this book is Father Haens loving relationship with his life partner Ton. The joy affection and love they have for one another is exuberantly portrayed through mutual interests hobbies travels and work.</p><p>I would highly recommend this unique graphic memoir to anybody who is inclined to witness an open healing and generous Catholicism. Father Haen has indeed had a rigorous courageous and highly spiritual journey throughout his life. Father Haen celebrated his eightieth birthday on February 26 2024 and it certainly is a cause for celebration. It is also time to celebrate Father Jan Haens superb and compelling graphic memoir <i>My Life as a Boy Priest Gay Man and Artist.</i></p><p><a href=><i>Click here to purchase the book.</i></a></p>