Book Review: A Girlhood Letter to my Transgender Daughter By Carolyn Hays

February 13, 2023



<p>by Linda Roberts</p><p>This book is first and foremost about Love love for a child (their fourth child) who the parents realized at an early age identified as a gender that did not match her gender assigned at birth. And it reflects the additional qualities of awareness understanding acceptance and support. It chronicles the familys journey with their transgender daughter (and sister) from her birth through the age of 13. The support involved considerable sacrifice as the family felt compelled to relocate several times to find an environment where they could escape the fear of losing their daughter (to child custody authorities) and where the daughter (I do not recall that her chosen name is ever referred to in the book) could thrive in a welcoming community.</p><p>The author reflects her extensive research on the topic of gender identity and expression. She diligently pursued this research so that she and her husband could accompany their daughter in her early life as she faced the challenges and obstacles that confront a minority population - one that is generally unknown misunderstood and/or rejected.</p><p>The Catholic perspective is woven throughout but particularly around the issue of enrolling their daughter in the local Catholic High School. The experience was demoralizing and dehumanizing as the parents attempted to defend their child and provide her with what was considered a high quality safe and affordable education.</p><p>I would recommend the book in particular to those interested in the experience of raising a transgender or non-binary child in todays society. The research undertaken by the author is informative and the manner in which the family expressed love understanding acceptance and unqualified support to their daughter/sister is uplifting and heartwarming.</p><p><!--break--></p><p><em>From time to time DignityUSA gets requests to review books that could be of interest to our community. If you would be willing to do an occasional review for us please contact&nbsp;<a></a>&nbsp;and let us know whether you are open to reviewing any book we receive or if you have special interests.</em></p>