Aging with Dignity Retreat held in Dayton

January 22, 2020



<p>Sixty-two members of Dignity/Daytons Living Beatitudes Community Christ Episcopal Church and First Baptist Church of Dayton attended a daylong Retreat on Aging on Saturday January 12 2020.</p><p>The Retreat on Aging was an excellent session on both the practical and spiritual facets of aging with topics on care and aging in place the legal aspects of aging (power of attorney healthcare power of attorney and other medical issues) as well as what happens when 911 is called for an elderly person.</p><p>Aging with Dignity Caucus Co-chair PatrickJournet presented a session on how Dignity/ Pittsburgh ministers to its aging members. Its always wonderful to share what we have learned in our faith community saidJournetand we really need to equip ourselves with tools to reach out to members who are not out to their families. For example Journet explained how community chaplains interview aging members about their personal lives whether they have disclosed their orientation or gender identity to family key contacts and other sensitive areas that often arise during medical situations and how this information is documented so they can provide appropriate support.</p><p>The afternoon session featured Sr. Joan Chittisters video presentations on Aging with discussion questions following each short presentation on the topics of Joy Regret and Grace.</p><p>Those in attendance agreed they received vital content and engaged in deep and necessary conversation. Itwas a day full of important information on nearly every aspect of aging said Reverend Richard Young one of the organizers for the retreat.</p><p>If you would be interested in hosting a similar retreat in your community please contact <a href=>Dignity/Daytons Living Beatitudes Community</a> or DignityUSAs <a>Aging with Dignity Caucus leadership</a>.</p>