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Pope Francis Meets with Leader of LGBTQIA+ Catholic Group DignityUSA and Global Network of Rainbow Catholics

October 25, 2023



Executive Director Marie DuddyBurke was among four leaders of the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics welcomed as special guests at the General Audience at the Vatican today with an opportunity to meet Pope Francis This historic meeting occurred just

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Breath of the Spirit Reflection: Loving God and Neighbor

October 25, 2023



Thomas DeVoyd As Christians we believe the Scriptures moral code is grounded in the Divine Delight in all creation and in the dignity Love imbues to every corner of the universe Todays reflection reminds us that such lofty faith must be rooted in con

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Breath of the Spirit Reflection: The Political and the Personal

October 18, 2023



Marie Seggerman It is difficult not to get caught up in the toxic politics of our times Conversations seem to move so quickly from innocuous to offensive In todays gospel (and todays reflection) Jesus sidesteps controversy by inviting us to do our ow

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Breath of the Spirit Reflection: What We Owe and What We Earn

October 11, 2023



Lori Rer So often the problem with our vision is not that we cot see but that we see too much In this abundance we lose our focus missing what matters most Todays reflection invites us not only to recognize the abundance in our midst but to respond t

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Breath of the Spirit Reflection: Disappointment Demolition and Discernment

October 4, 2023



Jeff Vomund It is tempting to read todays Scriptures as a call for vengeance and a justification of ones righteous anger However todays reflection points us in a different direction and instead asks if our disappointments might lead us to discern as

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Popes encouraging statement on blessing of same-sex unions an unexpected and welcome sign of openness says LGBTQIA+ Catholic group

October 3, 2023



Pope Franciss statement to five Cardinals that there might be ways for church officials to bless samesex unions is a welcome sign of openness on LGBTQIA+ issues says The group is the worlds oldest Catholic organization working for justice equality an

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Breath of the Spirit Reflection: Humble With a Dash of Uppity

September 28, 2023



John P Falcone It is tempting to hear the Christian call to humility or meekness as an excuse to excuse injustice But todays reflection reminds us that in the Christian worldview humble and assertive coexist In fact if we are to take Jesus as our mod

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Breath of the Spirit: Change OUR Hearts

September 21, 2023



Marie Szpakowska Often we think of repentance as a precursor to being forgiven We repent of our sins and God forgives us However todays reflection broadens this scope instead suggesting that we must also repent if we hope to forgive others

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Breath of the Spirit: The Radical Equality of God's Kin-dom

September 21, 2023



Richard Young It can be difficult and frustrating to understand what Jesus parables mean for us How can a given story apply to my life right now? Todays reflection invites us to hear Jesuss parable of the generous employer as sign of the generosity a

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