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Breath of the Spirit: Easter Determination

May 11, 2022



A reflection by for the Fifth Sunday of Easter If we see the resurrection as only a promise of what will happen to us one day then we miss so much of its lifechanging message Jesus resurrection changed the disciples lives then and there!

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Breath of the Spirit: Trusting in the Joy of the Journey

May 4, 2022



A reflection by Tom DeVoyd for the Fourth Sunday of Easter Even if we do not make a huge geographic move we are all on the epic journey of discipleship called and empowered to walk with our communities into new and more abundant life At times this fe

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Breath of the Spirit: Good Shepherd But Not Always Good To Be a Shepherd

April 27, 2022



A reflection by Marie Seggerman for the Third Sunday of Easter Todays gospel suggests that the primary response to loving Jesus is caring for one another Todays reflection suggests if we look at the lived experience of shepherds in Jesus time thi

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Breath of the Spirit Reflection: The Inevitability and Precarity of New Life

April 20, 2022



A Reflection by Jeff Vomund for the Second Sunday of Easter If we are not careful Easter becomes a victory party for those of us to have made the right choice Jesus victory lap to disprove the doubters (like Thomas) But the resurrection is not a pred

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Dignity/Twin Cities Confronts Archbishop and Courage International Representatives in Protest

April 18, 2022



The flag was in the window for no more than five minutes when a security guard from the Archdiocese came out the back door and told me that the flag was distracting to the priests and that I would have to move because we were on private property Re

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Breath of the Spirit: The Easter Transition

April 13, 2022



A reflection by delfan bautista for Easter Sunday The English prefix trans comes from the Latin where it indicates movement from one place to another as in transfer The prefix can also indicate movement beyond a particular entity thus is an action i

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Stand with Nativity School and show support for LGBTQI+ and Black Lives! Sign the petition today.

April 11, 2022



Nativity School of Worcester MA has been flying the Black Lives Matter and Pride bers along with the American Flag for over a year However on Bishop Robert McManus told the Jesuit school that these flags deny our Catholic identity and that they repre

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Breath of the Spirit: Do We Want to Be Barrabas?

April 6, 2022



A reflections for Palm Sunday by John Falcone Sometimes the choices between good and evil seem so stark But clear choices are not necessarily easy It is possible to see where different paths lead and still not be sure which way is better

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New Vatican document on education could lead to increased exclusion of LGBTQI people says DignityUSA

April 1, 2022



A newly released document from the Vaticans Congregation for Catholic Education could make it even more difficult for LGBTQI people to be part of the Catholic school system and could trigger a new wave of staff terminations and students being turned

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